Episode 3 - Viking Yarns
It just sounds good doesn't it? Viking Yarns. Like a collocation that's always worked. As it stands the name 'Viking Yarns' comes from Helen's home town of Appledore in North Devon, where, legend has it, the Vikings landed in the 9th Century and got into a bit of a battle with the Saxons. Things have quietened down a bit since then but it seems that some of that Viking adventurer/entrepreneurial spirit has rubbed off on Helen. They were really quite industrious the Vikings... it wasn't all rape and pillage and horned hats.. they were about trade and exchange and working with what you've got and an 'I can can do that' attitude. And being a bit fierce too. In a glam way. And that's what Helen's yarn's achieve. A kind of determined fierce glam.
So you can watch a video recap (and find out the winner of last month's giveaway) by clicking on the video below or skip beyond it to read the same(ish) content in blog format!
The Colourways
It was actually the colourway 'Viking Blood' that first caught my attention in Helen's Etsy shop. At the time I was looking for a deep and murderous red (we all have different ways of coping with rage!) and this sounded liked it would fit the bill. It wasn't quite as murderous on arrival as I was expecting but fortunately I'd calmed down a bit by then and actually rather relished the slightly less intense reds. It's speckled with a gorgeous navy.. and still appears rather gruesome but more of a purpley shade.. I've used it in several Mini Madness Shawls (a great pattern I got hooked on for a while) and it adds a lovely warmth to the shawls. I made one up from all the murderous reds I'd collected and it made a wonderful central yarn.
Viking Blood close-up from my Murderous Mini Madness Shawl
It's hard to describe but Helen's colourways seem to have a natural calmness to them. They seem perfectly in balance and that brings a kind of serenity when you look at them. They just really work. That's not to say they aren't vibrant.. the 'Broken Rainbow' colourway is bursting with colour and the 'Petrol' colourway has bright flecks of turquoise, hot pink, yellow, but they all seem reflective of colours you'd see in your everyday and that's what's lovely about Helen's yarns. Each seems like a artist's study of an overlooked but miraculous bit of the everyday.. Like an oil-flecked puddle on tarmac, or left-over confetti after a wedding, a field of ripe wheat or the creamy mottled face of the moon. They are the kind of yarns you just lap up when you knit with them and you wonder if the recipient will notice the depth of care and attention that has gone into achieving that result. I need to revise my 'knit-worthy' recipient list.. clearly.
My 'Fields of Gold' Shawl
I may have mentioned before I'm not naturally a neon and brights fan. I'm drawn towards naturals and neutrals and Helen does a good line in 'not too in your face colourways'. They aren't boring at all but they are all immensely wearable and don't demand 'statement piece' status but rather sit easily with an outfit. Click on the image below to scroll through some of my favourites.
The Bases
Now, Helen is what she describes as a 'kitchen warrior' - squeezing her dying in between working for a wonderful charity - the Children’s Hospice South West who provide hospice care to children with life limiting illnesses and disabilities and support to their families – work that Helen describes as hugely humbling but extremely rewarding. Given this other professional life Helen's output is limited by time and space constraints and as such she focuses on a a small range of bases and colourways (though I've noticed the colourway palette is growing and growing.) Since she started her Etsy Shop in 2015 she's been loyal to sock weight yarns (which I think represent the best value for money if you're playing in the hand-dyed yarn arena). I also think it's a good idea to start small and manageable. As a customer I tend to get lost in the many different bases people offer and tend to have shortcut (stellina = not for me, Any Nylon content = Socks, Merino = Soft, Silk content = shawl) so am very grateful that Helen's shop conforms to my short-hand so I can quickly identify what I'm after and focus on the colour ways!
1. Super Merino Sock – 100% Superwash Merino
2. Stellar Sock – SW Merino, Nylon and Stellina
3. MCN Sock – SW Merino, Nylon, Cashmere
And... hot off the yarn news press.. In the not too distant future, Helen will be introducing a new 'simply gorgeous' base with silk content. I am a little tingly to see that!
My Petrol Socks
Helen does have plans for expansion and growth.. new colourways and bases when we all reach that far away place called 'more time'. She very much feels like she's still working on it but relishes the fact that she's running her own business (and well qualified in that aspect too as she has a degree in business!). When I asked Helen whether she felt part of the 'makers movement' her reply was:
“I definitely feel people are much more comfortable these days saying “I made it myself” – I also love that we are now not afraid of using ‘luxury’ materials and investing money into our crafts. My late grandmother was a prolific knitter, but she would have been astounded at people paying over £10 for one skein of yarn!”
I think my granny would have agreed with that... But perhaps if she saw some of the Viking Yarns she would have been happy to part with it! Helen doesn't have a standard update time so the best thing to do if you want to catch some of this serenely calming yarn is to follow her on Instagram and be the fastest finger first!
AND... Lovely Helen has given Yarn Ambassador Podblog Followers 15% off her Etsy Shop until September 1st. Just use the code VIKINGPOD at checkout to redeem!
Instagram @Viking_Yarns
Ravelry: Viking Yarns
Shop: vikingyarns.etsy.com
A massive thank you to Helen and if you are interested in being one of the show-cased yarn dyers then don't hesitate to get in touch!