Yarn Ambassador


Welcome to my podblog.  Here I showcase the work of independent yarn dyers from the UK and share some knitting traditions from around the world

A new podblog you say?!

A new podblog you say?!

Quite. A podblog. A podcast and a blog. A podblog. 

For some reason my favourite podcasts aren’t considered prime time communal viewing in my house. I have to indulge in them when everyone else is out or I have a rare evening on my own. So with that in mind I’ve decided on a dual format… a written blog that you can read and enjoy even in the midst of a public forum AND a podcast that you can pop on and stocking-stitch to whilst cooing over colourways.. A blog or a podcast?  A PodBlog.

And Why?

It’s quite easy to trace how I got here… It’s all The Yarn Hoarder’s fault. I’d been watching her podcast and got sucked into the whole independent dyer rabbit hole… My eyes were turned by her wall of yarn, the rainbow parade of Leading Men Fiber Arts and Lolo Did It and Gnome Acres… I desperately wanted to join the party, to own ‘Dames at Sea’, ‘Hippo for Christmas’. I REALLY REALLY WANTED to go to Rhinebeck and meet all these people and come back with a sweater’s worth of hand-dyed Merino…  I wanted in the scrunched-up-eyes-wish-it-so-hard-and-it’ll-happen way…

I let myself dwell on this for a short amount of time until the part of me that had been staring dumbfounded at my spoiled toddler tantrum calmly reminded me that the UK has its own vibrant independent dyer scene and to stop being so stupid and to go in search of it.

And as I had known deep down all along the UK is buzzing with the yarn love. We are blessed with wonderful podcasters -  Amy Florence and Katie from Inside Number 23 to name a few. We have Woolfest, Yarndale, WonderWool, Edinburgh Yarn Festival.. We have Hand-dyed by Kate, Viking Yarns, Down Sheepy Lane… so many independent yarn dyers that I was overwhelmed and didn’t know where to go first, who had what.

And so was conceived this idea… a celebration of and a showcase for the independent yarn dyers of the UK – big or small! Welcome to the Yarn Ambassador!

As a self-appointed yarn ambassador I'll be sharing, through the medium of video, blog and photos, the best of British yarn-dying talent and discovering some of the knitting traditions and nooks and crannies around the world.

Indy Dyer Showcase:

Each month, starting in June 2017, I will be showcasing the work of one independent British dyer. We'll be taking a look behind the scenes at their yarn, their inspiration and taking a look at how their yarns knit up. We may even get to meet their pets. First up we will meet the wonderful Debbie from Down Sheepy Lane – not the first UK independent dyer I came across but the one I’ve probably forfeited my pension on….


If you are an indy dyer or project-bag maker based in the UK and would like to be showcased please drop me a line by clicking on the little envelope icon. Feel free to nominate your favourite yarn-dyer or bag-maker! 

Cross Cultural Knitting Exchange

We'll also be travelling* the globe to facilitate some cross cultural exchange with knitting traditions** in different corners of the world.  *you know... not really travelling.. metaphorically so....  ** 'tradition' may just involve getting together and drinking tea in different places in the world...


There will be:

  • Focussed, unbiased celebration of independent yarn dyers
  • giveaways
  • knit-alongs,
  • lots of yarn squishing
  • some dynamite interview skills (ok - not quite Frost/Nixon style). 

There wont be:

  • My life story or that of my family.
  • Comic stories about my pets. I dont have any... YET... 
  • Gardening tips. This is a knitting podblog. 
  • Knitting tips or tutorials. I'm not a knitting expert, I am yarn addict -  but if i learn anything cool I'll be sure to pass it on. 

If you have any ideas... Let me know!

Episode 1 - Down Sheepy Lane

Episode 1 - Down Sheepy Lane